

恋絵 リツセ  2011-11-28 21:42:48 


  • No.5350 by アマテラス  2015-09-26 21:41:38 

Hey! Yell, let's reach it out more than anyone, because no matter what, you're my friend
Happy! with our hands, Step by step, will our friendship be in our hearts for life

Hey, will I not always be here beside you?
If that day does come, I won't believe it no, no
But together we'll take a step ahead
To an adventure where I'll support and challenge you

I will surely overcome any problem with you
Smile, smile, yes, positively!
Let's go, with you, I'm not alone

Hey! Yell, let's reach it more than anyone, because no matter what, you're my friend
Happy! with our hands, Step by step, will our friendship be in our hearts for life

Hey, we're talking more than usual today
On a day like this I don't want to say bye no, no, no
Because now it's now or never
Our response will be us giving our best

It will never change that I'll always like you
Peace, peace, yes, we share it
Thank you! Like you! My friend, my best friend

Hey! Yell I want to tell you even when we become adults
Lucky! My friend, day by day, I will cheer for this real friendship

Sometimes it's not only a good thing
But remembering it won't disheart me
Stand up! I will forever
Be all right being always by your side

Hey! Yell, let's reach it more than anyone, because no matter what, you're my friend
Happy! with our hands, Step by step, will our friendship be in our hearts for life

na..... oh
More than anyone else, best friend

アイカツ friend

ニックネーム: 又は匿名を選択:


※任意 半角英数8-16文字 下げ
利用規約 掲示板マナー

[お勧め]初心者さん向けトピック  [ヒント]友達の作り方  [募集]セイチャットを広めよう



【 トピックの作成はこちらから 】




(ニックネームはリストから選択もできます: )



※任意 半角英数8-16文字

利用規約   掲示板マナー


初心者 / 小学生 / 中学生 / 高校生 / 部活 / 音楽 / 恋愛 / 小説 / しりとり / 旧セイチャット・旧セイクラブ

